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Safety Tips

MMLD Annual APPA Safety Awards

Marblehead Municipal Light Department is a member of the American Public Power Association (APPA). Each year we are eligible for a safety award. This award is presented only to utilities with outstanding safety records and comes with very prestigious national recognition.

Over the last 20 years, MMLD has been awarded a safety award every year, recognizing our commitment to providing safety awareness in the community, and also our own workplace.

APPA awarded MMLD our First Place award in 2009. We're proud of our safety record and are constantly training and monitoring all areas of our work environment.

We Pride Ourselves in Safety Training

Marblehead Light Department performs safety trainings on a regular basis. We hold monthly safety meetings for all of our linemen here at our headquarters, updating them on the safety issues that are essential in their jobs.

They are tested annually on simulated pole-top rescue procedures. The safety equipment that we use on a daily basis is regularly inspected for defects and possible replacement and updating.

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