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MMLD's Power Portfolio

renewable energy graphic with icons

Supplying Marblehead with Electricity from Carbon-Free Sources is Important to Everyone.

MMLD is Working Toward a Cleaner Energy Future Today

The mission of the Marblehead Municipal Light Department is to provide our customers safe and reliable electricity, generated by environmentally responsible power sources, and delivered at competitive, stable prices.

Today we’re working on multiple fronts to reduce our town’s carbon footprint:

  • Methodically moving our power sources away from traditional fossil fuel power plants to carbon-free and higher efficiency, low carbon-emitting sources
  • Offering promotions for Electric Vehicles (EV) and residential EV Chargers
  • Building a townwide infrastructure for public EV charging
  • Offering FREE home energy audits and rebates on new energy-efficient home heating and cooling solutions
  • Anticipating the addition of off-shore wind to our portfolio, when it becomes available
  • Actively evaluating new Community-scale solar PV installations in Marblehead and elsewhere
  • Planning Community-scale battery electric storage systems to lower our monthly energy use during peak hours, when less efficient carbon-emitting plants need to run
  • Planning a main substation upgrade with increased electric power capacity and battery electric storage, in anticipation of increased demand for carbon-free electricity by Marblehead residents

Marblehead’s Carbon-Free vs. Carbon-emitting Power Mix in 2021 (102,374 MWh of electricity purchased by Marblehead customers)

MMLD Carbon-Free Pie Chart

MMLD Total Wholesale Energy Supply

Power Source 2020 Energy (MWh) 2021 Energy (MWh) % change
Marblehead Wilkins Plant 28 29 +5%
Millstone 3 Nuclear 13,934 15,898 +14%
Seabrook Nuclear 13,328 13,316 0%
Stony Brook Peaking 24 44 +82%
Hedged Power Contracts 37,309 28,425 -24%
Hydro Quebec 1,099 6,570 +498%
NY Power Authority Hydro 10,123 8,695 -14%
Stony Brook Intermediate 2,623 1,404 -46%
Berkshire Wind 1 2,677 2,283 -15%
Berkshire Wind 2 2,203 1,274 -42%
Hancock Wind 2,486 2,267 -9%
Eagle Creek Hydro 1,683 2,065 +23%
ISO Interchange or Spot Market 19,306 26,398 +37%
Total Energy Supplied to Marblehead 106,823 108,669 +1.7%

MMLD Carbon-Free Wholesale Power Sources: 2021

MMLD Carbon-Free Wholesale Power Sources Energy (MWh) RECs/
RECs sold Energy purchases without RECs
Millstone 3 Nuclear 15,898 15,898    
Seabrook Nuclear 13,316 13,316    
NY Power Authority Hydro 8,695 8,695    
Hydro-Quebec 6,570 6,570    
Berkshire Wind 1 2,283   2,283  
Berkshire Wind 2 1,274   1,274  
Hancock Wind 2,267     2,267
Eagle Creek Hydro 2,065     2,065
Carbon-Free Supply Total 52,369 44,479 3,557 4,332
MMLD Solar Rebate RECs held   34    
Total RECs & EFECs held/retired   44,513    
MMLD Total Retail Sales (MWh)   102,374    
MMLD Carbon-Free %—2021 Mass Climate Law   43%    

*Renewable Energy Certificate/Emission-free Energy Certificate

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